→ Consistent Sales is open! 🙌 Start making more sales in your business, with more predictable revenue each month
Module Outcome:Get your business ready to start running ads
Total Video Time: 48 minsEstimated Work Time: approx. 1-2 hours
Module Outcome:Write, design, and set up your ads
Total Video Time: 120 mins (multiple videos)Estimated Work Time: 4 hours
Module Outcome:Set up the onward selling from your ads
Total Video Time: 80 mins (including Q&A)Estimated Work Time: 3-4 hours(depending on your existing emails + writing time)
Module Outcome:Understand how to test and run your ads successfully
Total Video Time: 53 minsEstimated Work Time: approx. 1 hour
Module Outcome:Learn how to retarget for increased results
Total Video Time: 25 minsEstimated Work Time: 1-2 hours