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If you're considering buying the 2024 Content That Converts Calendar - so that you'll have 366 strategically crafted content prompts to enable you to consistently create content that attracts, nurtures, and converts your ideal clients from your audience - get a peek of what it looks like below!

Check out a sample of the calendar here 👇

Click to buy the Content Calendar for only $37 →

The 2024 Content Calendar Includes:

  • 366 Days of Content Ideas + Prompts
  • Color Coded to my 7 Layered Content System

Plus a bonus . . .

  • 50 Hooks to Attract Your Ideal Clients' Attention
  • 89 Calls To Action to Drive Engagement + Generate Leads

🎧 Want to listen to a short presentation I gave about the 7 Layered Content System first? → Listen Here

🖥️ Want to watch a training about my multi-layered content approach that sells more? → Watch Here

Useful Links: 

  • Connect with Emma on Facebook - Click Here 

  • Follow Emma on Instagram @emmaweatherall

  • Become an affiliate and promote this calendar + other products and earn up to 40% affiliate commission on any new purchases - Click Here

  • Already an affiliate and want to grab your affiliate link so you can promote this product? Click here to login

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Preview The Calendar

    • Access a full year of 366 pre-researched, tested content ideas that you can tailor and monetise
    • Make more consistent sales growth with a method you're already using
    • Designed specifically for coaches, course creators and service providers who have an active content marketing channel, this calendar gives you everything you need to leverage your existing online marketing efforts
    • Create and publish content on any platform, that is actually going to help your potential future clients make informed, empowered, and confident buying decisions when it comes to your offers

Check out a preview of the calendar below!

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